Wednesday, July 25, 2007
was watching 超級星光大道~now den i know why 蕭敬騰 won't win in e singing competition la... cos he didn't take part in the competition!!! he is jus 來踢舘的!!! so he won't win in this competition.... den at the end of every competition, 楊宗緯和林宥嘉 will sure cry like babys la... think they 感情 really very good lo... they may due to some reasons then will call another good friends's(contestant) de parent as 爸爸和媽媽的咯... 感情真的好像好好哦...新加坡的都沒有那麽好的感覺。真是有好大的落差哦。而且星光大道好像有第二季的了。好快哦。新加坡還真是蠻慢的... 八月才要播第一季。真是慢到個不行。but 星光大道震得很好看!!! 但結束了~ 比賽也完了~。咳~