Saturday, August 25, 2007

like 10 plus am, there this weird call that woke me up..

hp:*vibrate vibrate*
me:*pick up e phone*

me:hello?*very sleepy mood*

*den e lady hang up*
*vibrate vibrate*

me:*looking at e caller ID thingy,but private number*
lady:hello, can u speak chinese?*with a bit of e canto english slang*
me: oh,ok.. *almost rest of e conversation is in chi*
lady:小姐你好....(i only got this sentence, e rest is saying wad promoting some hotel thing in macau and event in singapore and asking me to go take part in e activity.)
me:*no interest at all but she keep saying and saying*
lady:我們要寄給你一些酒店的voucher..想問你, 寄到你家給你還是公司對你比較方便?
me: er.... *cos i didnt get wad voucher she is giving so i asked her to repeat again*
lady:(she repeated alot of stuff, which i don't really know wad it is. all i know is some hotel in Macau de voucher.)
me: er.. wait..
me:er.. wait... 你可以等我講完先嗎?
lady:*waiting for me to say*
lady:小姐,因爲這是promotion(sth like this)所以我們不會像你索取任何費用。
me: wait.. er.. 我還是學生,我不會用到。所以你不用寄給我。
lady: .....oh.. 好。*den quickly put down e phone*
me: *hang up and go back to sleep,but was thinking.. wad a "nice" way to wake me up...*

And after all e stuff she say, i also didnt get wad she's saying.. jus know that it's some promotion of some hotel.. den say wad they will have a event.. asking me to go down there if i can.. if cannot den can watch ch46..

buay tahan lo.. disturb my sleep lo.. I only slp like 3am den she woke me up with all that...
*wu nai*

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