Friday, October 12, 2007A few more days to my prac!!!! hate it.. cant get the phy stuff in my head!!!nvm.. forget it for now...
i just watched the 娱乐新闻。 Then its all like 八卦 la.. but i was shock when i heard this leh..
林晓培醉酒驾车,撞死人。而且她还是无牌驾驶。The theme for the day is actually the wrong things that artists do la.. so the 林晓培 one is only an example. Still got 大炳和男性友人进旅馆。之后承认有吸毒。Still got Jay Chou one also. Say that his song "千里之外", 死了的人都爱听。说什么,有一名女生买了周杰伦的演唱会门票之后出车祸,之后更引起很多恐怖事件。那名作者后来被周杰伦fans send those cursing msgs. saying if he dont delete the story then they will kill him and stuff. Then they also got sy bout how innocent can some people be,as in they ddnt do anything but also being drag into the issue la. The most stupid one is every year got at least 3 times got people spread that 刘德华死了,之类的新闻。刘德华也无奈。
But i think the one I'm shock at one is the 林晓培 one. Cos they show the scene when she cry till very cham and say sorry to the family of the person she knocked down. Like cos previously i never hear this story la. So when i know liao i very shock lo. haha.. ya lo.. 就是酱。。
好了。。 我想睡了。晚安。。