singing session, again.

Friday, October 16, 2009

It's singing session, again, for me. haha. yeah. Have been singing so much these days. My wallet.. *sigh* empty liao. Anyway, going to sing at Katong always means cheesecake time. So yes, I bought cakes and everything else again. Quite fattening. oh well~

me and miss lye baoyu. The two 31st may de. But a difference of two years.


Then I'm trying to be a old ah pek.

Then I drag the other 31st may de be ah pek with me. (:

Then it's me and *Iris. 

Awwww. too bad *Umma wasn't able to join us that day. WORK LA! FINE!  I sang SORRY SORRY without you! Aiya, I want to go with *Meifoong they all leh. Then got people sing with me. If not all my clique is I alone sing nia. NOT FUN! haha. Although go with other people I'm also okay la. But I seem like the most high one over there. Like very tired sia. Next time more people go, more fun. (:

EDITTED: Do I have a older look than them? Actually I'm older than them, all, by two years eh. 

AND AND! I got the korean album I bought online! hahah! So happy! Cheap cheap nia. JUST BUY! haha.

It looks something like this. I thought the album quite cool leh. hahaha.

I didnt take the photos. But found online. (: Actually I thought this time I buy from this seller like quite risky. Because got some negative comments about it la. But got good ones too. So just TRY! And haha. Thank God, my things are here. And *umma says her boss gave her DBSK photos. I'm so going to get it from her!!!!

I'm addicted to YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL! HONGKI! JANG GEUN SUK! AHHH! MINAM AH! ahha. I'm going crazy.

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