Full! Not FOOL!
Sunday, October 19, 2008Had church today. Then went over to *MARY ONG's house! It was raining like ELEPHANT luh! I was wet! Lucky they met me at the train station there then drove me to their house. *phew* Today had STEAMBOAT!
This is the most healthy steamboat I've ever had! So much veg, mushroom, fish, fishball. Eat until I'm bloated! Going to explode! *phew* Me and MARY ate a lot! I ATE MORE THAN YOU MARY!
Same as that time McNuggets! I ate more! I ate 15 you ate 5!!!!!
Mary is going to have her O level tomorrow....So many people are going to have their exams! Even my online friend. Poor them.. Poor me as well. School tomorrow.. SIAN! Got to bring like so many things. Laptop! Heavy like mad! But can't complain. Cos I chose the heavy one...
Super full now! Oh no!
Went cycling yesterday with *Yingrou, *Jiahui, *Shumei, *Meifoong and *Jingyang. At EAST COAST! And for the very very first time since I've lived 19 years on earth. I turned red after staying there for like 3 to 4 hours! Like, I never TURN RED before!!! Thats why I'm "blushing" the WHOLE DAY! And I go out also will carry umbrella. Cos my skin really feel so pain and under the heat makes it more pain.
And recently I ate A LOT! I dont know why but I seriously think I eat a lot! HAVE TO CONTROL! YOU GUYS OUT THERE STOP TEMPTING ME WITH ALL THE FOOD!!!
Learn things today. To care more for others.. Think I shall do that. By sending encouraging sms to them! (: