Thursday, October 16, 2008

Programming now. SUPER BORING!
Why do we have to studyyyyyyyyyy????????

Life is all about studying? How boring.....

I realised that though people have blog, but they might not dare to say a lot of things out.
Think even for myself..... For fear people knows too much of me.. Blah blah blah...
Arent people always try to hide things a little? Or shall i say its qutie a bit?
From what I see from people's blog la.. That's what I had in mind.
But I understand that we do have things that we dont wanna say out to EVERYONE la....
Well well.. It's just a blog isnt it.. (:

The lecturer now is soooo boring... And I was complaining to *Iris that *Vanessa hasnt been blogging. haha! And at this moment she is blogging! HAHA! Like.. She only got ONE POST up since 11th AUGUST `2008!!! It's like.. SHE WASTED MY EFFORT OF CREATING A BLOG FOR HER! ARGH~ She's far worst than *Meifoong luh! oh my tian~

Okok.. Got to listen to the lecturer. Be a good girl like I always do! (: haha!

`ja ne

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