
Monday, April 20, 2009

Do you know how much I want to complain? Do you know how much I hate being with a bunch of new people whom I know NONE! I think its worse than being in Year 1! At least year 1 you know your classmate already that kind of thing. But then now is like I know NO ONE except for one girl. it's seriously ARGH. It's really FAR WORSE than being in Year 1! At least you Year 1 still got orientation leh. But then they like assume we all know each other, when we dont actually know everyone, like that. It's just HORRIBLE! Lesson is boring, lecturer is boring too. Though one seem quite nice. By the way, I only had 2 lessons today and one is the not so nice kind.. And tomorrow I dont get to meet my friend at all.. Cos we got different break time..

I'm so sick and tired of making new friends all over again. Like from SCRATCH! Why cant we all just stick through out? Everyone is comfortable. Okay, i'm just ranting. I know it's not possible anyway.. Or should I learn from *Waiyee, burn the school down and thats it! No need to attend the stupid school with stupid system which is used on us as though we are guinea pigs to this whole new system. EVERYONE IS COMPLAINING ABOUT THE TIMETABLE! CAN THEY FREAKING HEAR THAT?! argh! THESE IRRITATING TIMETABLE PLANNERS ARE SO IRRITATING! I'm so gonna hate school from now on. And hopefully this thinking changes soon..

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