
Thursday, July 30, 2009

28th `July

Went out with ex-classmates on Tuesday. It's nice. (: Since it's rather long since we last met up. I didn't even know our little yet LOUD Biology teacher, Ms han, is married! She got married in Feb. When we got no idea of this happening at all. We had pasta at Pasta de Waraku. Then we went to the river side and sat there. Since we were celebrating Bee er's birthday too. (:

Taken by ms han. I like her camera. feels very nice lo. haha. It's such a waste Ain couldnt come! ):After dinner, some of them went to get ice-cream. And I just candid shot la. (:

BLUR!Soonyan, CK and me. (:mel and I.
With CK. haha. I'm trying to look bad.
Soonyan and mel.

Ms han enjoying her ice-cream.The yummy birthday cake. Soonyan says she gets headache from eating chocolate cake. This is the very first time I heard that one can get headache from eating chocolate cakes.
Ms han and I. She made me pass my biology! haha. My bio used to be the flunk-all-the-way kind. haha. She made me pass alright! and not bad somemore. ((((: And although she's a teacher, last time, she is like a student sometimes. haha.
Sitting by the river(?)
Lighting the cake.
Girls of the night. Jo is not in Singapore. So can't join us. ):
The boys with ms han. One is tissue supplier, one is camera man. (:
Group photo. hey lady! what are you doing there when we are taking photo?!
Stop acting cute! cause you're not!
See! Act cute! and I will bang you! *bang bang*
yay! CK got killed by Likuan! hahaha!
5C-ians. We are the group of people who don't study, except mel. Or should I say we always study very last minute. Other than WC and mel la. haha. I guess others are like me, last minutes chionger. hahah. But sec 5 was still nice. Lots of things thats fun. Like the mac incident. Stupid delivery man! Go the general office! In the end we got scolding. Then got the Ain "head-shot" thing. It did scare the hell out of us. One of the big issue of the year. But well. All still brings memories which we all missed now. We all agreed, secondary school is still the most fun period of time. ((((: We are probably meeting up soon! At ms han's OWN house! haha. So looking forward!

30th July

Had RAD lab test this morning. I chiong like mad last night ah... I think I started studying since 7pm last night. Since I was super tired so I slept when I got home. Then when I woke up I studied.. UNTIL 3.30AM! With QQ. I was asking him this and that. And thanks to Nianzhi! She taught me how to do on the phone. Explaining this and that to me. THANKS girl! (:

Actually when I got the paper I was a little happy. Cause it's similar to the one I studied through out the night. Just that the one I studied is more chim. More things to type. Vanessa umma tio the super hard one ah! She sit beside me, dont know anything because she didnt get to study much since she worked yesterday. Got home late and she grew tired. Then amazingly I can even tell her what to do la. haha. But in the end I still managed to get most of the codes out myself. (: I was so super happy when I can debug the program! haha. I was so afraid of the test. That my brain nearly went blank. It's not blank because the Yoochun and Jaejoong's song is constantly playing in my head. I was like, SHIT! STOP THINKING OF THE SONG! CODES! QUICK APPEAR IN MY BRAIN! hahahah! Then in the end can do ah. hahaha. I was seriously super happy ah.

Now I'm done with IS presentation, RAD lab test, elective report! hahah. Still got to chiong AIM. Due next friday eh.. Shit la.I havent start much. And still got NTP report and presentation. Which I think the teacher will sure ask us, the girls of the group, a lot of things since he already have the impression that we haven't been doing much things, except for that one guy. Oh puh-leeaseeeee~ Also is people teach one.

"Cher, I teach my group mates eh. Got extra marks not?"
=_= This just make us like very lousy then " " like very li hai like that. Like I said, others helped first before " " can TEACH us. Aiya, don't care la. Like I want to bother with it. As long as I pass okay liao. " " does contributes at times though.. Just that sometimes I cant stand with certain things also la.. ahhh. REN AHHHHHH~

Shit la.. I blog/talk more and more like ZUEE, the girl with hidden evil, liao. So bad. hahaha!

haha. Conversation with Chan Junjie,

I was saying that I studied till 3.30am last night. Then he say:

┘₩iℓℓᾳ₰┌ says:
ah i so sian sia
anyway hows ur test?
※happyQUEEN: I'm is happier (: says:
hahah! can do!
i study until 3.30 last night ah
this morning lesson at 9
shag ahh
┘₩iℓℓᾳ₰┌ says:
so chiong sia
※happyQUEEN: I'm is happier (: says:
bo bian ahhh
if not remodule eh
┘₩iℓℓᾳ₰┌ says:
haha first time c u so chiong lo!!
※happyQUEEN: I'm is happier (: says:
where got
i come poly then i quite chiong liao
┘₩iℓℓᾳ₰┌ says:
ya lo
more chiong den last time
hahaha. Actually I really got more chiong in poly. *Hotgirl also got say before. In secondary school, THIS WILL NEVER HAPPEN!

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