Big discovery for me!
Thursday, January 08, 2009I had OOP today. Oh great. A 2 hour lab and I can go home already. ohoh! Something new I learnt today!!
1. I didnt know Lee Kuan Yew's english name is Harry! hahaha! I only thought it's just solely Lee Kuan Yew..
2. I always think that the IC number starts with "S" because it stands for "Singapore". Today the I know it's not! If "A" is 1, "B" is 2 then "S" is 19! And we are born in the 19** year. So it's [S**12345A] that kind of thing! Then those born after year 2000. The IC number starts with "T". Because "T" is 20.. So their IC number is [T**12345A] that kind of thing.
I seriously didnt know this thing la! I always thought it's "S" cos it's Singapore.. haha. Even *Vanessa Umma didnt know! haha. Not only me! I bet a lot people out there didnt know as well lo! And the alphabet at the end is not randomly choose one. Got some way to calculate one. I thought is just random pick one eh. hahaa. But I like mine! It's "J" at the end! haha. okay. Random-ness again.
Random photos I took at Liwen's house when I stay over that time.