Sunday, May 31, 2009

Everything just pass so fast. Seems like moments ago, the clock just strike 12. And everyone is giving me birthday wishes. And now. It's just 34 mins to 1st of June. That's how fast time flies. oh well...

Today. Usual church day. I'm like super bubbly. haha. I siao liao la. NEVER NORMAL. anyway. I was in church waiting for the usual meeting people to finish the meeting then we went to Plaza Singapura to eat Ajisen Ramen!!! haha! The most happy one is *Xiaoling lo. Totally like a little girl. Keep repeating : "wa.. very nice leh.." hahaha! I know very nice la! I ate until I almost explode!

Thanks people! For the card. (: Mr *Lim Weihong even wrote big big "JaMMMie" in front of me lo! Scared I cannot see is it. hahah! But well. And *Wee Meifoong! Although we are going to be officially 21 next year. We still should NOT watch PORNOGRAPHY in cinema alright! hahahahah! This sentence made me smile like some crazy woman at the bus stop when I was reading it on my way home. haha. But thanks for the *JUNSU, *JAEJOONG and *DBSK card! LOVE LOVE! haha! I'm going to put it in my wallet and carry it everywhere! (:

I think the best part of the day was when everyone left, leaving the 4 of us, we went to the cafe cartel and eat the half price cake! haha. Then we crapped A LOT! haha. It was fun. Just the 4 of us it's enough to entertain each other. hahaa. Which is really nice. (: Imagine us being old, with lots of white hair, sitting together and CRAP! Even when we are already AhMas.. ahhaaha. FUN!

And people who wished me happy birthday! On facebook, sms, msn. EVERYWHERE! THANKS! It's really nice of you all!! (: Even *Maya! haha. She say she's gonna hug me tomorrow. If I dont smell. EH! I'M ALWAYS SMELLING NICE ALRIGHT! haha! Thanks girl! (:

I'm meeting another group tomorrow! I'm looking forward. But apart from that, anticipation turns into disappointment. My hopes were so high and now it falls greatly hitting the ground. She told me "kk" when I asked her everything the other day on msn. I said :"we are going to take lots of photos alright?". Her reply was:"kk.". Pretty much an answer that seems to be entertaining me. But I took it in. And then now she says she's not free. Sorry isnt enough to make me feel better at all. I wasnt looking out for the big and fanciful birthday celebration or anything. Just got really tired with you backing out last minute, like always. Everytime I hope we can meet up since we havent for maybe a year? But it always turn out to be disappointment. Just how many times is this thing going to happen? I'm just gonna enjoy myself tomorrow. (:

Enjoyable yet it seems rather normal. From today on, things would be different. Since we grow older, there are more things to be responsible of in future. I just have to take it and live life. Just like what *Meifoong wrote in the card, being "young" is no longer an excuse for us to run away from stuff. Because we are no longer "young".

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