happy birthday pretty! (:
Sunday, May 17, 2009Okok. Another SS of some MSN conversation I had with someone. This time round is QQ! (: He is a super nice guy in my class, as compared to Yonghwee from my class, not the secondary school Yonghwee. Anyway. I was taking some report thing from him so I talked to him on msn la. and then after that he want to double confirm that I'm likuan. So that's how all these begins....

It's my cousin's wedding yesterday! I think as I see people get married I also will want to get married leh. But I think it's all out of impulsion only la. So it will pass soon. (: But it's really fun! We saw the video of what the sisters of the bride made the groom did. They made him and the brothers finish this cup of ice cream mix wasabi. It's damn er xin. And then in the house, they made him wear a bra, which my cousin says size 38 one, and a skirt. And dance with one of his brother. Before they allow him to get to the bride. EVIL GIRLS! But I think if I'm one of the sisters, I wont let the groom off so easily either. (: But it's really nice la. I really like my cousin a lot. Cos compared to his younger brother, he is so much nicer! I very very scared of his younger brother. Because he super gangster. Oh well. And I got to meet so many cousins, nephews, nieces. I even have a cousin who looks like my father la! He looks quite old la. But I think he is really of a certain age la. oh well. I dont know. But I really enjoyed yesterday. (: Though it was really tiring. (:
School tomorrow. Not done with report. Don't know how to do also. SIANNNN. I dread going to school. ):
OHOH! IMPORTANT ISSUES OF TODAY! (: It's my good friend's birthday today!!!!

Stay happy always alright!!!
let's meet up real soon. to scream and shout like you promised me.