changed a new skin...
Wednesday, November 07, 2007ok.. i changed again... but anyway.. i finished all my papers.. but not as excited as i expected.. cos very tired ba.. but anyway... went to play the building of sandcastle last sat. haha.. i never play sandcastle before.. so was quite nice.. thou i felt i grow so much older when building... haha.. think those are done by me and my friends?? then you are wrong!!!! we not so pro la... this one think is some pros do one...below one then is we do one.. *in the process of building one*
haha.. nice? i haven gotten the one which has the big overview one. means the 大合照.. will po it when i got the pic... it's nice ok... haha.. cos i got contribute to it.. haha... like so thick skin to say this.. haha...
anyway.... pls help my friend.. He is planning to open a 可樂餅 shop... hope you all know what is that...
then he got this poll on his blog to ask for comments la.. on sauces to put on the 可樂餅.. so can help to go his blog and choose on what might be a nicer sauce?? or if you got any comment also can tell me then i will tell my friend. thanks(:
this is my friend's blog.: