Dreams.. Imagination.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008Yesterday was suppose to work la. But in the end after the four of us went to Bedok and had our dinner, we tired then we say never mind la.. We work tml. haha. Then we went to Mcdonald sit and TALK AND CRAP.
We were talking and talking about things in life and stuff la. And manage to realise things and wanted to change la. So pray about it. But also thank God for making us realised all these things la.
Then the later part of the talk was all crap luh! hahaha. We were talking about the 4 of us living together. Then we will start to like everyday ask " Tomorrow who cook dinner?", "Who is washing the dishes tonight?", "Who is buying the groceries today?" blah blah blah questions... haha. Super funny lo. Then among us only *Xiaoling and I can cook. So definitely is we 2 cook one. Then since we cooked then the two of them shall wash. hahaha.
Then we were saying, if we really stay together, then sure will have unpleasent things happen one. Maybe *Waiyee and I will quarrel, then what will *Xiaoling and *Meifoong do. hahaha. Then the other two say, if *Waiyee came to me and say " Likuan, can I talk to you a while??", then they two will go to the door trying to listen to what we two are talking. 偷聽!!!!! hahaha. But the whole thing just so funny.
But true. Living together you have to start to 牵就 the other parties. If not very easy to live together.
Then I also think the four of us get together means LAME! Apart from the serious times. haha. We are all lame at times. Esp *Waiyee. 谐星。 hahaha.
She said something that made us all laugh like mad yesterday la! Cos we were sitting in Mcdonald. Then the chairs we sat on are those individual chairs thats very cafe one... Then she suddenly ask, what if while listening to *Xiaoling talk and then I suddenly fall. What would you guys do? Then our answers were all : "WAHAHAHAHHAHA!! We will all laugh like mad! And no one would go help her get up. Then she will ownself get the chair and herself up. And we will continue laughing." hahahahha. Super funny! Then imagine *Waiyee will get up and see if anyone is looking at her, then we will all keep laughing and laughing. Then she will say:"笑什么笑!?" The whole thing is just FUNNY! After all the crapping and after finish praying we left for home.
Me and *Meifoong were bored doing the job la. Think we were waiting for some people that day at the void deck. For the family to come home or something. Then we start to play with the laptop camera la. haha. And we had lots of lame photos.
We actually view it with picture viewer. Make until like animation. Then our face keep changing..
But anyway, those at the bottom are just the photos la. Not the animation. They are just some ugly photos that we took when we are bored. hahaha. Seriously ugly lo. hahaha. BTH.Yesterday went back to mediacorp. haha. I didnt realise I actually can hand in 7 complete households eh! I thought I got very little only lo. I seriously don't know what I'm doing for the pass few days. The brain like not working like that.
Plus same as *Xiaoling, I like cant always stay at home. Come home like to online and sleep nia. Last night mummy ask me to eat le then go out. Then she cook ribs and soup. Like haven't been able to see my mum as well. By the time I reach home she already sleeping. Only last night I came back a little earlier so I manage to see her. And indeed, she cooked soup for me today. ^^
So I'm happily drinking it now. Home cooked food is still best! hahaha. okay. Going to eat my lunch already.