Reminisce again....
Thursday, October 23, 2008Today isnt exactly a good day. But I still have things that I'm glad about. (:
We should really be glad that out of all the unhappiness, we still can find happy things. (:
Was chatting with *Liwen on msn moments ago. And we were talking about childhood..
She is my little friend since... 17 years ago! I know her since she is born okay. haha. Though I'm only 2 years older than her. (:
We used to do really stupid things. haha! Thinking back now they are REALLY STUPID! haha!
You guys know that Chinese new year always got Angbao money right.... hahaha. And my brother, who is 10 years older than me, always never join us go visit people's house one. Thats when my brother grew older la. Like... 19? When I'm only 9 years old. yup. Then the people will give me 2 angbao la. One for my brother and one for me. ONG LIDAN, who is a year older than me, sister of *Liwen, would manage to psyco me to use the angbao money for food or whatever.
And what i remember is we used the money for KFC before. haha! And I used my brother's money as well. Without him realising. Remember, he is NOT with us. And like you guys know, you buy things then will have a change of COINS right.. and we will put the money back into the angbao. And come out with excuses like, the person who gave angbao gave coins.
It's super like.. What the hell?! HAHA! thats why I think it's funny! And always is only use my money lo. Never once did I touched the sisters's money. AT ALL! NOT FAIR!
And I remember *Liwen last time cannot speak chinese one! Cos she spend too much time with the maid. then she only knows how to speak Malay. ha! And we cant communicate at all. cos theres no common language between the two of us. haha! But that's when we are young..
*Liwen said she remember me as one who will cry very easily over trival stuff. And yes. I think whenever I quarrel with *Lidan I will cry cos I always lose.
Isnt this all that make our childhood fun?? (: haha.
And she said she's going to laugh to sleep tonight. Isnt she crazy or something??See my emo childhood friend. She is having Os now.. Thus this emo~
Jiayou *Mary/Liwen/schrimp! For your Os! AND COME NYP JOIN ME! (((:
People out there having Os! JIAYOU O~!!! (((:
I guess I'm still happy today. (((: