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Sunday, August 30, 2009

Havent been blogging for awhile. Reason: lazy, study for exam.

Life has been... Miserable. It's like hugging the laptop, not for enjoyment but the lecture notes inside. Studying and studying and studying. That's what I've been doing. BORING!

After the last paper on Thursday, *xiaoling, *waiyee and I went KBOX! Seriously, after all the laughter, singing and screaming, I seem to lose my voice. I was like super happy when we were singing BOLERO in there! I was super excited! SUPER! And after that I told *Umma how excited I was. hahaha. And we did some video recording. errr. Super diu lian. But I think quite funny la. But more of the dui lian factor. hahahaha.

Then I slept like nobody cares at all for the next 2 days. Super lack of rest and sleep. Wake up a while then I tired again. Body battery spoilt le la. And all these sleeps are not making me feel energetic at all.

ahhhh. I'm tired again... And I'm growing fat from all the eating and eating and eating! shit.

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