Outing with the HU BEI village people is fun. (:

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Was out early in the morning yesterday, guma's cremation. My表侄all cried so loud. With one of my 表姐. 人走了,留下的只有回忆。我对我姑妈唯一的记忆就是,她真的很凶。小时候,她是其中一个让我不敢乱说话的人。感觉上我家族,女人们长的都还蛮凶的。我表哥说我们家族的女人都属于八婆类的。听了真是让我哭笑不得。对于爸爸的兄弟姐妹,我所拥有的记忆并不多。如果能够多相处一些就好了~

Anyway, was down to meet people from the HU BEI village at town. It was to celebrate *Zuee's birthday. Since we cant celebrate it on the actual day because we were still having common test. Alright! So we celebrate it yesterday by going out together the whole day! It was really the WHOLE day. We literally spent over 12 hours together. *David was with us initially. But he had to go off at 5 plus. And *Vannessa Umma only can join us like 6 plus. All we did was walk and walk and walk. Then... Off we go for dinner. At Sakura. Buffet. Come on! I cant eat buffet alright! I don't eat a lot. As in, I'm not exactly a big eater. I just love sweet stuff. That's all. The food was quite nice. *Umma got us so much food. And I love the lobster salad. Why? BECAUSE IT'S FRUITS! (: I'm seriously not good with food unless it's sweet. And after that, we watched ORPHAN!

This movie, erm, is not as good as I thought it would be. It's actually a thriller, instead of a horror. At first I thought it was a horror. But anyway, it's talking about this girl, named Esther, got into this family as the couple wanted to adopt a child, after losing one themselves. But of course this "little girl" is not so simple la. She is actually a 33 year old lady, who got this type of hormone problem that make her cant grow. Can't grow as in wont look old la. So she definitely pass off as a 9 year old little girl. So she tried to seduce the man of the family. And she failed. Once she failed, she's gonna kill the whole family la. So yeah. Then typical things happened la. And in the end, of course the "little girl" died. And by the way, she had some serious mental health problem. Under the super violent kind.

*Rick is like super WEAK la! He like dont dare to see this dont dare to see that sia. LOUSY YOU *RICK!

It was quite scary to walk home la. All quiet, no one AT ALL. I got scare a few times when brunches dropped from the tree. And there's like so many little creatures around. SUPER SCARY ALRIGHT! I clenched my fist while walking home. In fear that some cockroaches would surface out of nowhere. *shivers*

Sorry people. Cannot come my house this time. My room is in a total mess. Next time la. (:

*Yonghwee turned from a visitor of HU BEI village, to one member of the HU BEI village. I guess soon it's *QQ's turn. haha. A honest looking guy who goes drinking. tsktsk. Not good huh.

Yesterday was definitely fun. But we forgot some stuff. So sorry.
PEOPLE! Plan the next outing. (:

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