happyDAY! And I'm TRICKED

Monday, June 01, 2009

I met up with my friends just now!!! (: This *JOJO LAI ON YI! BEST LIAR ON EARTH! Because we are meeting on Monday, I sms`ed her on... friday night. Asking if meeting at 6 on Monday is alright. SHE DIDNT REPLY ME AT ALL! Then Sunday night when I on my way home I sms`ed her again. Then this time she replied. She say she flying Shanghai. So cant make it. I was like, WHAT?!?!?! Previously she tell me can can. Now tell me cannot. I really super angry leh. Then I dont want to talk anymore also. Then I today go meet up with them. I met *Mel at the control station then we went to meet the guys all. Well. Since we are still waiting for *Chen Kuo to come, we went to eat at ICE MONSTER! (: The strawberry is sour de lo. And *Mel left us, because she say she want to go get something from her friend after we finished the ice. Okay lo. Then the guys and I went to look at headset since *Chen Kuo is planning to get one. Until now all seems quite normal right. And then we say want to eat at Cafe Cartel. Because I feel like eating the super big serving pork rib. HAHA! Though the service there is really can put on the floor and step one. But yeah. I cant eat ramen for 2 days right! So eat pork rib lo. Then when I go in, *JOJO LAI ON YI was sitting at the table there la! With a cake and a candle on it! I was like, WHAT?! I THOUGHT SHE FLYING SHANGHAI?!?! In the end she tell me, her Shanghai thing is can postpone one. She just bluff me lo! SO NICE OF YOU HUH LADY. But it was nice la. haha. Because I didnt expect her to come eh. Then she pop up. (: THANKS GIRL! (:

Then she gave me this card. HAHA! I was like, this is the most creative card I've ever gotten! haha. It's she that time go for the FHM GND de postcard thing. hahah!
Then at the back she writes. (:
AND THIS IS FROM *MEL! (: Very cute. But very small. haha.Doubt I will drink from it. BUT THANKS GIRL! *muacks*
now, PHOTOS!

Girls of the night. (:
haha. *Jo looks like a ghost behind me.
First time I see this kind! So many things one! okay, maybe I'm really not a Singaporean like the Facebook quiz says. hah!
*Mel and *Jo
*Mel and I
This guy quite nice la huh. He helped carry *Mel and *Jo's bag. Since *Mel can't carry her bag for long due to her back.
Ghostly me.
Normal me
*Chen Kuo and I. This guy is having his exam the next day yet he came out! haha! THANKS! (:
We saw this outside SAM(Singapore Art Museum). And then... ...
This lady here wants to take a photo with them. haha. I should have too.
Trying to be cheeky huh...
And I found my street that night!
Then *Jack or *Chen Kuo asked me:"Then QUEENSTOWN is your town ah?"
Me:"haha! YES!"
He asked again:"Then QUEENSWAY is your way ah?"
Those got QUEEN de all mine! haha! I'm rich huh.. hahaa.
Trying to kiss me?
Only the two of us are seen-able.
This is pretty cute right! HAPPY BOX! They say it has been there for YEARS! But I really never see before ma.
In the shopping mall opp Bugis Junction. I dont know what is the mall called.
Then we went into this shop because we want to sit down and chit chat.
Trying to bluff people she got short hair again! Her hair is so super long can!
She said she look like secondary school face here.
She look GHOSTLY! Like those coming back for revenge! ahha!
She really scare *Mel! haha!
Me: O.O WHAT?!
Guys of the day!
Alright. Finally to this! It's total crap! When this thing came, everyone see the yogurt, it look not bad. It's call Crunchy. The content is those milo cereals, corn flakes all that put together with Yogurt. BUT! The yogurt itself is super SOUR! It's not nice AT ALL! Even have this photo they all pointed middle finger all around this bowl/cup of thing. And then *Jo and *Chen Kuo still play game, the person who lose is gonna eat a mouth. But I stopped them after a few rounds. Because the thing is really inedible. And *Chen Kuo keep eating. Later he LS no need to go exam then SUI LA! haha.

I even show you the name of the shop. Dont ever order this thing call CRUNCHY under the yogurt section. CMI to the MAX! But not all things are CMI la. The one *Mel ate, some chocolate thing, is not bad la.
Playing game.
The nice nice and CAN order thing there is this! Some mango thing. *Jo ordered. The mango is not the sour one. Maybe it depends on season? I dont know. But at least the one we ate was really nice! Don't say I condemn the food until very bad hor. At least can eat one I will say can eat! The staff there are nice la. Though they made quite a few errors. But then they still smile smile, wont give you the shitty attitude. Just the food is not exactly good. So yeah.
Group photo! (:

While waiting for the guys to come back from withdrawing money.. We take photos! (:VERY VERY tired after the whole day. School at 9. Then I was out till 11.30pm or something. wa.. super tired. BUT THANKS PEOPLE FOR EVERYTHING! It was really nice!
And thanks for the meal *Jack, *Jing feng and *Chen Kuo. We really ate a lot. haha. These guys paid all our expenses when we were out the whole night. haha. And *Jo is a SUPER DUPER BIGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG EATER! While *Mel is the extreamly small eater. But it was so enjoyable la. (: THANKS! *muacks*

Next gathering! Celebrate *Jingfeng and *Chen Kuo's birthday! Steamboat at *Chen Kuo's house? haha. We will decide again people! (:

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