happy AGAIN AGAIN! (((:

Friday, June 05, 2009

Celebration day again! (: I think I this year celebrate my birthday quite a few times. But today is combine me and *Huiping's "bird"day. (Rick teach one.)

We went to Aston(?) to eat today! At The Cathay. The food is not bad la. Plus it's really not ex at all. Though we had to wait quite a while. But maybe because we got like quite a big group. So take longer to wait for a table to be given to us. But it's still nice and fun today! Though we wait until we all leg super tired, and very hungry. And we kept taking photo when we were waiting while standing outside the restaurant. hahah. AND I TOOK A PHOTO WITH RICK! Hopefully I will get the photo tomorrow. Seems like Rick is a pretty lazy guy to transfer the photos.

By the way, *Vanessa Umma printed this on a post card and gave me.
She made Junsu kiss me! And made JUNSU proposed to me! haha!
And then she gave me. Then she was crazily laughing when she was about to give it to me. hahaha. it's quite funny la. BUT THANKS! (:
Then this card is Rick draw one. Then our class people write one. (: THANKS people! (:
My balloon! (: It says HAPPY BIRDDAY on one side.
And Li Kuan on the other side. (:
Umma bought this for me also. Shockingly this thing only 70 cents eh! Zoe told me. (:
MY LOLLIPOP FLOWER! Zoe gave it to me. She and Rick give one la. oh, i just realised its shared by everyone! hahah. Errored! sorry! Then there is this Miss Chatterbox there! okok. it's DEDICATED to me! She that day bluff me eh. She brought it to school one day to show other people. Then I think I talked about that thing very nice or what. She bluff me say is her friend give her one. Still say she go home take out everything then she share with us the lollipops. BUT THEN ITS FOR ME LO! Just that they dont want to tell me. SURPRISE you know! Okay! it did shocked me.
This is the Miss Chatterbox. Cute leh. Everyone of us had a Mr and Little Miss character. Because Zoe bought for everyone of us. (: THANKS GIRL! YOU DID A LOT OF THINGS! Tomorrow give you a hug! haha. (:

This year's birthday is full of bluffing and surprise. First is Jo bluff me say she not joining. Then she joined. Next is Zoe bluff me say that one is her friend give one. But actually it's for me. hahha. well. THANKS PEOPLE!

and Umma and Serena bought for me a dress like thing. But it's a little too small for me. Hopefully after washing a few times I can wear it. Some problems with some area.....

No amount of thanks is enough to express how thankful I am. (:

and and!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHUA HUI PING! NONO. I mean PING HUI! hahaha. Happy 19th! Hope you have a greeniest day ever and stay green and LOVE THE ENVIROMENT! hahaha! RANDOM! Anyway, stay happy and cheerful too! Thanks for everything today also. *muacks*

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