Revival camp

Friday, June 26, 2009

Finally Revival Camp ended yesterday. Wanted to blog yesterday but I was too lazy and tired to do so. Since I wanted to blog today, I decided to change my blog skin as well. Since the previous one the wordings are quite small, and I don't want to change the font size at the place you type your post. Now it's changed! I even changed the names of the links things. Like names. It's changed to chinese. But some I left it since I don't know your chinese names...

Anyway. Revival camp ended yesterday. Hmmm. Initially I was quite reluctant to go. I didn't think that the camp was going to help me in any way. Plus I was running away from problems la. Well,I am. I got to admit. I've not been confident with a lot of things especially when it comes to spiritually. And when it comes to committing to things God wants me to do, I hesitated la. But in the end I still chose to commit in the thing la. But not DM yet. This camp made me more determine to change. To really change for God's sake. And not to be stagnant la. I've wasted enough time.

God reminded me today through today's QT. I was reading Mark 11:1-26. It's like break into a few parts la. One is talking about Jesus asking his disciple to go to the town, somewhere near them, to get the colt. And Jesus said, "If anyone asks you, 'Why are you doing this?' tell him, 'The Lord needs it and will send it back here shortly.' " And indeed, when his disciples did as he said, they really encountered the problem Jesus said la. And they did as what Jesus said and the people from the town let them off with the colt. God always ask us to do something. But when doing it we will face problems la. Like his disciple met people who are questioning what they are doing. But then Jesus provided them with the solution also la. Like tell the disciples to say what Jesus had asked them to say to the villagers. Same in life la. God will ask me to do things that might make me encounter problems.. But God would also be there to tell me what to do. It's like, I haven't really been seeking God to get solutions to problems in life. So God is telling me to go back to Him for solutions la.

Then there's this verse which is really outstanding to me la.
It says : "Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in your prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours."

I've prayed, but I don't think I got the believe that God is going to help me. So I guess God is telling me to have faith in Him that He will help me.
My believe in being able to change is quite low la. I didn't think I would be able to change. I dont know is that a doubt in myself or a doubt in God's ability. But now I'm learning to really rely on Him and make changes in my life. Hopefully I'll be able to do it. (:

One thing I'm glad of going to the camp, not being a part-timer but a full-timer. I realised, it's not just the sermon that is making me wanting to change. It's the whole camp, every program that contributes to me having this thinking now la. I think if I just go as a part-timer, the idea to change my life won't be this strong. And initially I was worried for the exam thing, which is suppose to be next week. And then this H1N1 thing happened. And everything is pushed back a week. Like, God really plans everything out well. Now He gives me an extra week to really go prepare for my exam. (:

Like in Luke 11:9-10 ::
9 So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 10 For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.

Now I'm learning to step out of a zone I'm super used to. Super comfortable with. I hope my life would be fill up with Him.

不料。A reply towards this whole camp which I never ever expect at all. And I'm glad.

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