
Sunday, June 28, 2009

Celebrated the self declared HOTGIRL's birthday in advance today with self declared BIGSHOT and self declared TVSTAR today. Ate Waraku de pasta just now. Though I had pork cutlet curry. Not any pasta. But I tried HOTGIRL's and it's nice. And we had the pizza. The crust is like biscuit lo.. I like the pizza a lot. We bought her a lot of ear ring. And that was because we were thinknig which one she will like more. Then I chose one, TVSTAR chose one. And then we say, buy which one.... Then I say mine. He said his. Then we say, BUY BOTH! See which one she likes. In the end she chose TVSTAR's cos she would want to wear that to school. And going to school means will wear it for 5 days.. FINE!!!! And they bought her this interesting card which is meant for people turning 30. hahaha. Quite funny. And TVSTAR is so mean lo. He wrote in the card. If HOTGIRL on diet fail nevermind. Still got me. arghhh. FINE! YOU NS MAN!

But it was enjoyable la. TVSTAR is still as crappy as ever. And he shared things that happened in army. He shared about this guy that made us all laughed like mad. hahaha! This thing happened like the second day since they entered tekong la. Then now they sleep in double deckered beds ma. Then this guy, he slept on the top. He woke up in the morning and he fell onto the floor! Then everyone in his bunk woke up in shock la. And when his friends asked him what happened, he say he forgot he is in camp now. He thought he still at home. HAHA! So he just turned and wanted to get off the bed and he fell. Then he realised he is in camp. hahah! Funny leh! Blur sia! Then he say got another guy, his eyes very small. Then TVSTAR's buddy say the guy is sleepwalking. Because his eyes are not open like wide la. And then when in the morning, they would say he havent wake up. Because the eye not open like that. FUNNY LA! hahaha. Okay la. Since he shared all these funny stuff. I shall not blame him for writing the diet thing.

Anyway. I had this question in my head while walking on the dark road back home. I was thinking, if this girl is being attack by a rapist. Then she just want to get out of this whole thing. Other than screaming for help.. Can she lie to the rapist and say she got AIDS? Hoping the rapist would be scared of the AIDS thing and back off? Is it alright? Not asking is it possible that the rapist back off. But is it alright to lie in this case? It's like saving her own life eh. Though lying is sinning also. Contracting.

People, tell me your answer on my tagboard. Thanks. And. I'm just curious la. So lets just see each other's POV.

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