
Friday, November 28, 2008

Well. I realized I got many things to give thanks about and I never really give thanks for things on my blog before? hahha. Well well....

I had my JAVA test yesterday.. I wasn't really prepared for it. I tried studying the night before. But then I couldn't get anything into my head. So yes, I gave up and went to bed in the end.. But anyway, I was pretty nervous when I go have the test one la. Cos I'm like so unprepared! And I'm so used to relying on other things for reference and I never really write the JAVA thing myself before la. And during the test, it's pretty tempting to cheat la. Hmmm. Because we are using our own laptop to do the test la. So.. Inside our laptop got many things that we did over the weeks, then is the things that is tested in the test la. And I think I saw people opening the thing to see, though it's suppose to be a close book test la. I think I saw, but not sure if it's the thing I saw la. But anyway... I was doing question 2 which I got no idea on how to write. And it's really tempting to open the files in my laptop to see see la. But I just keep telling myself that it's not an honest act la. Not good in other people's eye, and of course God's eye as well la. So in the end, Likuan, being a good girl, didn't copy at all! She did everything on her own! hahaha! Good isnt it! And I thank God for the fact that, when I was about to give up on doing it, He opened my eye to see some things and I literally *ding* then manage to write somethings out la. Really really thank God. What I wrote manage to run somehow.. Though there's some errors la. But well. Thats the best I can do? At that moment. Another thing is, after viewing my friend's question(er.. they set 2 kinds of questions call it set A and set B. Then they give one A then the other B then A again then B again. So that we can't copy la), I think mine like easier la. So really thank God. (:

And my exam time table is out! Oh gosh! Thank God so much for it! haha. it's all PLANNED! God places the paper that needs me to study more on the day before we even start preparing for the chalet event. And place the paper which I dont need to study so much on thursday, at is so late in the afternoon. So.. yeah. I got more time to prepare.. (:

I used to think, if everything just fit nicely, it's just coincidence. But now I think differently.. I got the thinking now that, if things really lands properly, it's really God's grace that it's placed properly. Letting me everything also very smooth and stuff. ((:

Also give thanks that I went to the prayer meeting today. Hmmm. I used to think that it's okay not to attend prayer meeting, I'm lazy and I dont want to go, I'm tired blah blah blah.. Well. Obviously, these reasons are all not strong enough at all. But well, letting my feeling take over, I gave in. Until *Jiahui reminded me yesterday to come for the prayer meeting today. Heard many sharing. Even the simplest thing we also can give thanks for. From Auntie Ivy's sharing I learned it. Which really goes to show that, everything is plan by God. Even the slightest things, He would also take into consideration. Like the 93 books thing. so.. yeah...

I'm so glad that I have things to give thanks for.. And I should continue to give thanks for things in life. (((:

`it's a happy day today! (:

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