happy HAPPY! (:

Saturday, January 03, 2009

I went out with *Cuimin and *Grace!!! Today!!!! Like FINALLY! We haven't meet up for like a year? As "MEET UP". Not saying seeing each other or what. But meet up and talk and crap. (:
*Cuimin is so funny la! We ate so many things today. Eat again! I'm seriously growing fatter! ): oh well. We took some photos. But that slow *Gracie haven't send me yet. haha. We just came home and I suppose she wont send me so soon. oh well. I have 2 on hand. shall post them now. (:

There's more to come.. Some really stupid photos. haha. We were like some silly people doing silly stuff at cafe cartel. ahha. We had cakes! at half-priced! haha. Cos after 9pm the cakes would be all half-priced. We bought 3 cakes at less than $10. Including GST all that. haha. My oreo cheesecake aint that nice la. Their cakes are nicer. Some chocolate ones. haha. Cant remember the name. yum yum. But I think I ate so much that makes me want to vomit.. haha. But I'm okay. at least for now. (:
And *Cuimin says she's coming to church next next Sunday! Like YAY!!!! (: haha. Cant wait for that Sunday to come soon! ^-^

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