Big discovery for me!

Thursday, January 08, 2009

I had OOP today. Oh great. A 2 hour lab and I can go home already. ohoh! Something new I learnt today!!

1. I didnt know Lee Kuan Yew's english name is Harry! hahaha! I only thought it's just solely Lee Kuan Yew..

2. I always think that the IC number starts with "S" because it stands for "Singapore". Today the I know it's not! If "A" is 1, "B" is 2 then "S" is 19! And we are born in the 19** year. So it's [S**12345A] that kind of thing! Then those born after year 2000. The IC number starts with "T". Because "T" is 20.. So their IC number is [T**12345A] that kind of thing.

I seriously didnt know this thing la! I always thought it's "S" cos it's Singapore.. haha. Even *Vanessa Umma didnt know! haha. Not only me! I bet a lot people out there didnt know as well lo! And the alphabet at the end is not randomly choose one. Got some way to calculate one. I thought is just random pick one eh. hahaa. But I like mine! It's "J" at the end! haha. okay. Random-ness again.

Random photos I took at Liwen's house when I stay over that time.
I love the pooh! i feel like smuggling it home.. But of course i didnt..
This irritating lady is taking so long to get ready to go out..
KISSING the cookie monster! I love that little baggy..
This was what we did at night. This is only part of the food. and know what she's doing? Feeding her doggy like always. Alrighty. Super random I know. but well. Random-ness is ME! (:

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